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Last year's C# Advent was a success beyond anything I expected. I was worried that I wouldn't get enough sign-ups, but I ended up turning some people away. I was worried that people wouldn't get their blog posts done on time, but every single author delivered on time. I was worried there would be too much overlap in topics. There was a tiny bit, but every author's post had a unique, quality perspective, even if there was some overlap.

So, I'm doubling down this year! Each day of the Advent calendar will have up to TWO blog posts. That means that there is a maximum of FIFTY slots! So, tell your C# friends and let's fill up this calendar.

A little history: I heard about the F# Advent Calendar, a tradition that's been carried on since 2010 (2014 in English) and is still going strong in 2018. I think this is a great idea, and so I organized one for C#! (I asked Sergey Tihon for permission!). Other Advent calendars: C# Advent Calendar (in Spanish)Q# Advent Calendar.

So, I need you to write a C# blog post!

Here are the rules:

  1. Reserve a slot on Twitter (with hash tag #csadvent) or leave a comment on this post. You do not have to announce your topic until the day you reserve.
  2. Prepare a blog post (in English).
  3. Add a link in your blog post that links back to here, so that your readers may find the entire advent.
  4. Publish your blog post on the specified date. Your post must be related to C# in some way, but otherwise the content is completely up to you. I've posted a few ideas below to get your creativity flowing.
  5. Share your post on Twitter with hashtags #csharp and #csadvent

Below are all the slots, and who has claimed each date.

I will do my best to keep this up to date. The slots will be first come first serve. I also allowed last year's authors to get first crack. I have already claimed one of the December 25th slots for myself, but I can be persuaded to change if you really want that date.

DateClaimed byBlog Posts
Dec 1, 2018 Lukáš Lánský Steve Smith Namespacer: lightweight spin on architecture validation Double Dispatch in C# and DDD
Dec 2, 2018 Hilary Weaver-Robb Shahed Chowdhuri Can I Put All Of My Smoke Tests For A REST API In One Test? Yes! Your First Razor UI Library with ASP.NET Core
Dec 3, 2018 Bill Sempf Luis Antonio Beltran Insecure Binary Deserialization Azure Blob Storage with Xamarin.Forms
Dec 4, 2018 Tim Corey Matthew Jones How to Be a Great C# Developer Using Stopwatch and ContinueWith to Measure Task Execution Time in C#
Dec 5, 2018 James Hickey Calvin Allen Scalable Task Scheduling In .NET Core With Coravel Using .editorconfig in Visual Studio to create discoverable standards
Dec 6, 2018 Brant Burnett Isaac Levin A Restful Job Pattern For A C# Microservice Six Opinionated Tips to be a Better .NET Developer
Dec 7, 2018 Ryan Overton James Hickey Native API Access in Xamarin.Forms .NET Core Dependency Injection: Everything You Ought To Know
Dec 8, 2018 Carl Layton Shahed Chowdhuri Create Formatted Text Files With csvhelper Exploring .NET Core 3.0 and the Future of C#
Dec 9, 2018 Jeremy Sinclair Ian Russell Secure Data Access with IdentityServer4 and Xamarin Forms Expressing intent with value objects
Dec 10, 2018 James Curran Caleb Jenkins Here, There and Everywhere - A Simple Look at .NET Memory Model [?]
Dec 11, 2018 Andrew Lock Simon Timms Why is string.GetHashCode() different each time I run my program in .NET Core? Linked lists in C#
Dec 12, 2018 Ed Charbeneau Andres Paz Razor Components for a JavaScript-Free FrontEnd in 2019 Implementing a quantum simulator for Q# in C#
Dec 13, 2018 Amber Race Brian Jackett WireMock.Net Introduction to Calling Microsoft Graph from a C# .Net Core Application
Dec 14, 2018 Lee Englestone Daniel Oliver English Language Word Analysis With .NET OpenTracing and C#
Dec 15, 2018 Michael Eaton Kevin Griffin Exercises for Programmers – Weather Checker in C# Introduction to SignalR Streaming
Dec 16, 2018 Barret Blake Doug Mair Flow & Function Together Quick Introduction to C# Span
Dec 17, 2018 Gérald Barré (aka Meziantou) David Pine  Writing a Roslyn analyzer C# all the thing: .NET Core global tools
Dec 18, 2018 Duane Newman Caio Proiete Keeping Observable Collections Up To Date [?]
Dec 19, 2018 Jonathan Danylko Huzaifa Asif 10 More C# Extension Methods For The Holiday Season Create a custom middleware pipeline using .NET Core
Dec 20, 2018 Baskar Rao Eric Potter Testing .Net Core API using Auth0 with VS Tests The code changes in Roslyn between 7 and 8
Dec 21, 2018 Takayoshi Tanaka (vacated) Using Kubernetes readiness and liveness probes for health checks with ASP.NET Core 2.2 on OpenShift  
Dec 22, 2018 Jim Wilcox Chris Bohatka C# and WebAssembly Hit the Ground Running: Create a Starter Kit
Dec 23, 2018 Damian Łączak Chris Sainty An extension that I cannot code without. Blazor Toast Notifications using only C#, HTML and CSS
Dec 24, 2018 Chris Woodruff Gregor Suttie Getting the Most Out of Entity Framework Core - Part 1 Azure Blobs from C# and Visual Studio
Dec 25, 2018 Matthew Groves Calvin Allen Hangfire with ASP.NET Core C#, .NET, and Visual Studio - 2018 Year in Review


  • IF ALL FIFTY SLOTS FILL UP, please leave a comment or tweet with #csadvent anyway!
  • I will put you on this 'standby' list in case someone drops out or can't deliver their post in time.
  • Standby list:
    • Corstiaan Hesselink

Some ideas/topics to help inspire you:

  1. Blazor - now's your chance to experiment with writing C# for the browser
  2. Your latest open source contribution - show the community how you contributed and why
  3. Your favorite C# language feature - it doesn't even have to be a new feature, just blog about something you love about C#
  4. Introduce your favorite NuGet package / library. Even if it's a library you take for granted, not everyone has heard about it.
  5. How to avoid a pitfall you found with performance/memory/etc
  6. Integration/deployment of a C# application with Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, TeamCity, Azure, etc
  7. Write a "how to" for one of the many tools discussed in an episode of the Cross Cutting Concerns podcast
  8. Create a video tutorial and embed it in your blog post.
  9. Interview someone about C# and embed an audio player in your blog post.
  10. Implement a simplified example of a design pattern in C#

Thanks to everyone who is participating!

Brant Burnett is continuously integrating and deploying microservices. This episode is sponsored by Smartsheet.

Show Notes:

Want to be on the next episode? You can! All you need is the willingness to talk about something technical.

Music is by Joe Ferg, check out more music on!

George Mauer is memorizing tech terms. This episode is sponsored by Smartsheet.

Show Notes:

Want to be on the next episode? You can! All you need is the willingness to talk about something technical.

Music is by Joe Ferg, check out more music on!

If you were an author of a C# Advent blog post in 2017, you get a chance to sign up earlier than the general public.

Tweet #csadvent or leave a comment below with the date you want to blog on. Note that this year, each day has up to TWO slots. So if someone has already claimed the day you want, that day may still be available.

The general call for C# Advent authors will go out next week, so claim your dates as soon as possible. Just like last year, you do NOT have to pick a topic right now. If you DO want to pick a topic, I will pencil it in, but you are free to change it at any time up until the date you pick.

VM "Vicky" Brasseur talks open source and free software. This episode is sponsored by Smartsheet.

Show Notes:

Want to be on the next episode? You can! All you need is the willingness to talk about something technical.

Music is by Joe Ferg, check out more music on!

Matthew D. Groves

About the Author

Matthew D. Groves lives in Central Ohio. He works remotely, loves to code, and is a Microsoft MVP.

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