Let's build an error handling aspect: part 4
In the last post, we started using ServiceBase as a way to more generally address the services and use the callback to report errors to the UI.
What happens if I put the aspect on a method in a class that doesn't inherit from ServiceBase (because either I forgot, or I put an aspect on a class outside of the service layer by mistake)? Exceptions will be swallowed, not reported, and probably cause issues elsewhere in the project.
One approach would be to change the case from "args.Instance as ServiceBase" to "(ServiceBase)args.Instance". At least then, I'll get a runtime error about casting (but only if there's an exception). With PostSharp, we can do better than that.
In fact, remember when I said that PostSharp aspects have to be marked as [Serializable]? This is because, as compile time, PostSharp instantiates those aspect objects and serializes them to be used later at runtime. BUT, since the aspect is being instantiated anyway, PostSharp also does a couple of other optional steps: it can do some compile-time initialization (to avoid runtime reflection, for instance), and it can do some compile-time validation.
That's right, we can put some code in the aspect that can check to make sure that we're applying the aspect correctly. If we aren't, it will give us a compile-time error. We could check, for instance, that the aspect is being applied to a method in a class that inherits ServiceBase.
This code will only be executed at compile-time. If the declaring type (the class that the method is in) does not inherit from ServiceBase, then PostSharp will write out an error at compile time:
So now if I ever forget to use ServiceBase, or I use this aspect in the wrong place, I'll know right when I'm compiling. And because of this validation, I can also confidently change the cast from "args.Instance as ServiceBase" to "(ServiceBase)args.Instance", knowing that if the project compiles, that cast will never fail.
How are we doing:
- This only works for ITerritoryService--what about the other services?
- Swallowing exceptions: we should at least be logging the exception, not just ignoring it.
- If the method has a return type, then it's returning null. If it's meant to return a reference type, that's probably fine, but what if it's returning a value type?
- What if it's returning a collection, and the UI assumes that it will get an empty collection instead of a null reference?
- Do we really want to return the exception message to the user?
- What if I forget to use ServiceBase as a base class on a new service? <- We just took care of this
Next time we'll look at actually logging the exception.