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Posts tagged with 'weekly concerns'

Another week, another weekly concerns.

Surgery went well, thanks for asking. Now it's a few more months of rehab and I'll be almost good as new. I'm exercising my copy/paste skills again with this weeks Weekly Concerns link round-up:

That's all for this week.

It's been a pretty light week as far as interesting new links popping up. But here are three interesting items to check out. Have a good weekend!

  • The English in this white paper is a little rough, but I think they are using AspectJ to help find race conditions in multi-threaded programming. [PDF]
  • This is an older post, but still relevant: Myths and realities about AOP
  • Another AOP tool for .NET, called SNAP (Simple .Net Aspect-oriented Programming), and here's the Github repo for SNAP - it looks to be a tool that sits on top of Castle DynamicProxy and integrates with your favorite IoC container. 
  • A white paper from Germany on analyzing models to identify cross-cutting concerns, to best apply AOP when designing an application [PDF]

Week #2 is coming to an end here at CrossCuttingConcerns, which means it's time for another link dump post.

Thanks for reading, and please leave a comment or use the contact link above if there's something you'd like to see covered here on (or if you have something to say and want it published here).

This is the first "Weekly Concerns" (thank you Jason Karns for the name) post, of what is going to be a weekly series of blog posts that's basically just a Friday link dump. Not that each of these links don't deserve more attention and research, but, hey, I get lazy sometimes, alright!

  • SharpCrafters webinar - "How to Stay DRY with AOP and PostSharp", featuring PostSharp developer Igal Tabachnik
  • White paper from Cornell about using AOP in seperating concerns (available in PDF and other formats)
  • The NDC conference in 2011 had an "AOP & IoC" track. I'm guessing many of you didn't make it to Norway for this conference (I didn't), but the NDC is kind enough to make video of the sessions available. Day 3, Track 5 features Gael Fraiteur (creator of PostSharp), Donald Belcham (fellow PostSharp MVP), and some other sessions about the more general topic of rewriting IL.
  • SheepAspect for .NET - another AOP framework that uses IL rewriting. I've not heard of this one much, but it is open source and probably deserves a closer look (perhaps in a future blog post).
  • AOP for Perl (yes, Perl!) with Aspect from Adam Kennedy (who has his own Wikipedia page), with a very comprehensive and well written README that's a pretty good primer on AOP in general.
Matthew D. Groves

About the Author

Matthew D. Groves lives in Central Ohio. He works remotely, loves to code, and is a Microsoft MVP.

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